Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 In Review

This year was a hard year, but a good year. I said goodbye to an old friend but hello to a new one, saw bunches of roadside attractions and spent time with family. And of course through it all there was quilting. Always quilting. Here are some of the projects that kept me busy. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt - Complete!

It's been six months. Probably the blog deserves a photo. I've been sewing like crazy, and you can see all my quilts over on my instagram (@elisabew).

I'll maybe get around to posting more individual blocks, but for today, here's the finished farm!!

This lovely photo was taken by my dear friend (and amazing coworker, Nichole (@catwithfins on instagram))

There are so many Fussy Cuts with all my favorite fabrics, and I love love LOVE the finished quilt.

Until next time (however long that may be)!

Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt - Block Update Batch 2!

Y'all ready for this? We're talking excessive block updates, all at once. Enjoy!

Happy Sewing!